G'ampa C's Blog

Monday, August 07, 2006

The Lord's Supper Concluded: An Invitation

After a six week hiatus, I will finally try to complete this little series.

I have no method of judging how many people read this blog, nor, for the most part, what they think. To those of you who have read it or part of it, I offer the following invitation:

Read all of the posts on the Lord's Supper at one sitting, and pray for the Lord to take you in his hands while you do it. Go back and read the texts in John and Luke and I Corinthians. Read Hebrews 7, 8, 9 and 10. Then, the next time you go to the table of the Lord, make a conscious effort to turn it into a sharing event. Look around you, no matter what the setting is, and try to visualize the people around you as Jesus sees them:
Part of His Body, bone of His bone and flesh of his flesh, worth going to the cross, worth death.

If you pass the bread and cup from person to person as most groups do, think of the emblems as if they are the antidote to certain death, the medicine of eternity. When it is passed to you, touch the wrist or arm of the person passing it until he or she looks at you. Tell them it is the body/ blood of Jesus, which makes us whole. Pass it in the same fashion, with a statement and eye contact. Trust the Spirit to help you if this is uncomfortable for you. Communicate with your voice, your touch, your eyes. THIS IS THE BODY OF OUR LORD! WHAT A BLESSING TO SHARE IT!!
If you can't bring yourself to share in this way, gather a small group of your closer friends and try it. If you are like me, you will be surprised and amazed at what God does.

Jesus has said that he stands at the door (of our hearts) and knocks. If you are a Christian, you have opened that door to him, and he wants to share the communion meal with you. We all know this is true. Sometimes, I think we just don't realize that his Body is also knocking. Can we really, truly be intimate with the Spirit of Jesus while holding his body at arm's length? Welcome the body to your communion feast, and watch what the Lord does.


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