Things I Celebrate (3)
I celebrate little Ethan, who gives me smiles and hugs and open-mouthed kisses; Who is always happy to see me and lets me feed him things he usually won't eat for his parents. He loves dogs and sticks and going outside. He is mad about pizza and communion bread. He shares his chicken and cookies and green beans, but has to put them in my mouth himself. Ethan helps me realize how deep and rich is the fellowship of the saints, and how God's design for the church is so good and good for us. Ethan has two real grandfathers who love him very much, but he also has one old adopted G'ampa who loves him very much, too. It is a great blessing from God that I am somehow "one" with Ethan and his mom and dad, that we share family ties that reach beyond this world and into the next.
At 9:01 PM,
Laura said…
Calvin, I just wanted you to know how touched I was by you voicing your thoughts on your son in law in your last entry. I am thankful that my family has grown in numbers by marrying the one I love. It gives me great peace to know that Kyleigh has so many people that love and care for her. God bless you.
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