G'ampa C's Blog

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Is It Just an Age Thing?

It was a beautiful sunrise this morning.
I have been thinking how good it will be to celebrate the Sonrise with my church family today.
The older I get, the more importatnt and rich that becomes, the more I am drawn to my brothers and sisters, the more I think of fellowship being a walk with Jesus. Is that an age thing?
We are in the process of forming a men's ministry at church, where we share and confess and celebrate. It has been rich and powerful, and God is working there. Everyone in the group is in the 45+ age, even though all are welcome. Is it an age thing? Or is it that the cooking pot of life has tenderized us old geezers so we can be open to the breaking down of walls and sharing?


  • At 7:41 PM, Blogger pawatson said…

    Your group is certainly having an impact on Duane, and I am so grateful that he is being drawn into fellowship with you. You bless those you come in contact with and I miss seeing you.

  • At 7:37 PM, Blogger Mike said…

    Please check out the Church for Men blog


    Mike Ellis
    Church for Men


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