In the whole Thanksgiving issue, there are other things worth celebrating. Some seem small at first glance, but loom so large at certain times. These are random things I value and celebrate.
I'm really blessed to have a whole set of memories of my Dad. He was a simple man, eighth grade schooling, no expensive tastes. He loved my Mom with all his heart, and always worked hard. He never wasted anything, never bragged on his work, but was appreciated everywhere he went. He was faithful to God and his family. In some ways, he was very strict when we were kids, but he was a true friend when I was mature enough to accept it. I could always tickle his funny-bone with a story or joke, and he would laugh so hard he almost couldn't breathe. He was the most humble man I have ever known, but I didn't realize it until late. When he passed away unexpectedly several years ago, the church building which seated 350 couldn't hold the people for his funeral. Good memories. Really good memories. I wonder what memories I will leave my children?
I see God's hand in sunrises and rainbows, even though I can give the scientific explanation for the event.
Big church is a blessing every time I go. Home church (Life Team) is even more a blessing. I can't imagine (now) not having such a close bond to those souls.
I have been blessed with 25 years as a nursery attendant at church. In that time, I've loved and cared for something above 600 babies. Most of them don't remember me after they leave, but some do, and a child's love is a very healthy thing, indeed. I still believe, after all these years, that all the diapers, spit up, runny noses and crying were and are far outweighed by the blessings of being with the little ones. Our preacher once told me "I don't know how do you do it." My best response is -- "How can I not?". It has been a great blessing.
I have a friend named Wes. We talk deeply to each other, and confess to each other. I hug him every time I see him, and he hugs me back without reservation. We share a spiritual harmony beyond explanations, and make each other's lives richer. We share the Lord's Supper with tears and laughter.
Anyone else have any things to celebrate?